SASSA partnered with SPAR to distribute the SRD R370 grant payment. It is one of the convenient ways to collect Social Relief of Distress grant payments without standing in long queues. If you have a SPAR store near your home, then you can easily collect your SRD grant by just visiting the SPAR retail store and verifying your identity.
In this article, we will discuss how you can change your SRD R370 grant payment method to SPAR and how you can collect your grant money at SPAR.
Points To Consider Before Switching To SPAR
Before changing your banking details to SPAR, it is important to understand that SASSA social grant payment collection facilities are not available at every SPAR store. First, confirm that your nearest SPAR retail store facilitates SASSA SRD R370 grant payments. You can call or visit the SPAR store to confirm it. After confirmation, you can move forward with changing the SASSA social grant payment method to SPAR.
Change SASSA SRD R370 Grant Payment to SPAR
Now, if you confirm that your nearest SPAR store is distributing SASSA SRD R370 grant payments, you can change your SASSA payment method to SPAR. The process of changing the SRD payment method is the same as Boxer, ShopRite, and Pick n Pay. You can follow the steps below to change your R370 payment method to SPAR:
Once SASSA receives your request to change payment method, it will take 14 working days for SASSA to verify your details and approve your request. Once your request is approved, you will receive a notification via SMS on your registered mobile number.
How to Collect SRD R370 Grant at SPAR
After changing your Social Relief of Distress grant payment method to SPAR, you are ready to collect your R370 payment from the SPAR store. Follow the steps below to collect your SRD grant at SPAR:
Before visiting the SPAR store, make sure you receive the payment confirmation message from SASSA. Without a confirmation message, you cannot collect your SRD R370 grant. If your social grant is approved but you didn’t receive the payment confirmation message, then contact SASSA and register your complaint.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Changing your SRD R370 payment method to SPAR is a simple and convenient method. You can avoid long queues and easily collect your SRD grant from your selected SPAR store. Just change your SASSA payment method to SPAR and then you are ready to collect your social grant from the SPAR retail store. Make sure to confirm that your selected SPAR store is providing an SASSA payment collection facility. ID card, mobile number, and SASSA payment confirmation message are essential to collect the SRD R370 grant.