Grant in Aid

SASSA grant in aid is an additional grant from SASSA for current social grant holders who don’t care for themselves. It is an additional amount to the other social grant holders who need full-time care at home. Grant-in-aid beneficiaries can hire someone for their care from this additional grant.

You can only be eligible for a grant in aid SASSA if you are already an applicant for an Old Age pension, disability grant, or War veteran grant. You can apply for a grant in aid at the same time as applying for the other grant.

What are the Grant-in-Aid Eligibility Criteria

Make sure to check your eligibility criteria below before applying for the SASSA Grant in Aid:

  • The applicant should be a South African citizen, refugee, or special permit holder.
  • You must be eligible for an old age grant, disability grant, or War veteran grant.
  • You are already an applicant for an old age, war veteran, or disability grant.
  • You must not be able to care for yourself and have a mental or physical disability.
  • The applicant should not be cared for in a state institution.
  • You must have a medical report from your doctor stating that you need full-time care.

Required Documents to Apply for Grant in Aid

You require the following documents to apply for Grant in Aid:

  • You must have your 13-digit South African ID card.
  • Medical report from the doctor that shows you need full-time care.
  • Marriage certificate if you are married or divorce certificate if you were divorced. (If applicable)
  • If you were single you must have an affidavit stating that you were single. (If applicable)
  • If you are too old or sick to go to the SASSA office then a family member or friend can apply on your behalf. The person should have a letter from you or a doctor mentioning why you can’t visit the office.

Grant in Aid Application Process

Visit your nearest SASSA office to apply for the grant in aid with the required documents. A person can visit on your behalf if you are too old or sick to visit the office. The person should have a letter from you or the doctor saying why you are not visiting the office.

Complete the application form in the presence of the SASSA officer and double-check the information you provided. If you face any difficulty during the form completion you can ask for the help from SASSA officer. After completing the SASSA Grant in Aid application form, submit it to the SASSA official.

After completing the SASSA application, the officer may interview you and give you a dated stamp receipt. You must keep the receipt safe as proof of your application.

How to Check Application Status Check

You can check your SASSA application status by following the steps below:

  • Go to our SASSA status check page.
  • Enter your 13-digit ID number and SASSA registered phone number.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • Your application status will appear on the screen with the approved payment dates.

How Much is Grant in Aid

The Grant in Aid is an additional amount to your main grant. The current amount for Grant in Aid is 510/month and will be paid with your parent grant. It is expected that the grant may increase by R10/month from the next financial year starting from April 1, 2024.

SASSA Grant Processing Time

SASSA grant in aid

It may take up to 1 to 3 months for SASSA to process your grant-in-aid application. Once SASSA decides on your grant they will send you a notification on your registered mobile number. If you don’t get a message from SASSA then you can contact on SASSA toll-free number and explain your issue.

What to do if the Application is Decline

If your Grant in Aid application is rejected and you disagree with the SASSA decision, then you can appeal the decision to the Minister of Social Development at the national office of the Department of Social Development. The DSD department will review your application and decide if you are eligible for the grant or not. The appeal application must be submitted within 90 days of the grant application rejection.

SASSA Grant in Aid Payment Process

Once your Grant in Aid application is approved then you can receive the payments from the date your application is accepted. The grant will be directly deposited into your bank account. However, if you choose the cash payment method then you can collect your grant from SASSA-partnered retail stores like Pick n Pay, Boxer, Usave, Spar, or Checkers.

Grant in Aid SASSA Balance Check

There were multiple ways to check your SASSA grant balance. You can check your Grant in Aid balance by the methods given below:

  • If you are an SASSA gold card holder then you can check your grant balance from any ATM.
  • By dialing the USSD code *120*3210# or *120*69277#.
  • Through SASS WhatsApp number “082 046 8553”.
  • You can call on SASSA toll-free number “0800 601 011” to check your grant in aid balance.

Grant Suspension Reasons

Your Grant in Aid will be suspended due to the following reasons:

  • Your grant in aid will automatically suspended when the social grant to which it is attached is suspended.
  • If your health is improved and now you can take care of yourself.
  • Your grant can be suspended following a review of your main grant.
  • If you fail to cooperate with SASSA during the review process.
  • If your grant is approved by mistake.
  • If you provided false information during the application process.

Reasons for Termination of Grant

grant in aid SASSA

Your SASSA social grant can be terminated for the following reasons:

  • If you are no longer in the care of another person.
  • If the applicant is passed away.
  • If the applicant is admitted to a state institution.
  • If you are out of the country for a longer period.
  • If you have failed to collect the grant for consecutive 3 months.

SASSA Contact Information

0800 60 10 11

Grant in Aid FAQs

SASSA Grant in Aid is an additional grant for other social grant holders who are not able to care for themselves and need someone for their care.

The Old age pension, disability grant, or war veteran grant holders who are unable to care for themselves are eligible for this grant.

It takes 3 months for SASSA to process the application for social grants. However, it may take more time if SASSA has a high number of applications to process.

The current amount for grant in aid is 510/month. It may increase by R10/month from April 2024.

You can apply for the grant by visiting the nearest SASSA office with the required documents.

Grant in Aid Conclusion

SASSA Grant in Aid is helpful for those who don’t have any family members for their care and need full-time care. The applicant can hire a caregiver for themselves and bear the expenses of the caregiver from the SASSA Grant in Aid amount. You must be an applicant for an old age grant, disability grant, or war veteran grant to apply for a grant in aid.

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