SASSA Reinstate

If you previously cancelled your SASSA grant due to improved financial circumstances and now need a grant again because of unexpected financial problems, you can reinstate your SASSA grant. SASSA allows their beneficiary to reinstate their cancelled application easily due to job loss or economic struggles.

The SASSA reinstatement application process is straightforward and you can again activate your SASSA social grant online or by visiting your nearest SASSA office. In this article, we will guide you through how to reinstate your SASSA SRD grant, the reasons to reinstate it, and the eligibility criteria for the SRD R350 grant to qualify.

SRD SASSA Reinstate Reasons

You can reinstate your cancelled SASSA grant due to different reasons. Following are the few reasons why you should reinstate your SRD grant:

  • Job Loss: You can reinstate your cancelled SRD grant if you lose your job.
  • Financial Problems: If you are facing financial difficulties again.
  • Mistakenly Cancel: If you mistakenly cancel your SRD grant.

These are just a few reasons to reinstate your application. In your case, it may vary. If you strongly believe that you need an SRD R350 grant again to manage your daily expenses then you can apply for reinstatement.

Eligibility Criteria Before Applying for Reinstatement

Make sure you are again eligible for the SRD R350 grant to reinstate it. The eligibility criteria for the R350 grant are as follows:

  • You must be a South African citizen, asylum seeker, refugee, or special permit holder to reapply for the SRD R350 grant.
  • You must be living in South Africa.
  • You must be between 18 to 60 years old.
  • You must pass the SASSA means test in which your asset value is according to the means test and your monthly income is under R624 per month.
  • You must not be receiving any other private or government social grants.
  • You must be unemployed and have no other source of income.
  • The applicant must not be cared for in any state institution.

SASSA SRD Reinstate Application Process

You can reinstate your SASSA R350 grant online through the SRD website or by visiting your nearest SASSA office. You can find out the process for reinstating the SASSA application below where we will discuss both methods. You can use any method to reinstate your R3550 grant.

SASSA Reinstate R350 Online

SRD SASSA reinstate online

You can reinstate your SASSA grant online by following the steps below:

  • Visit the SASSA reinstate website page.
  • Enter your 13-digit South African ID number and the phone number you used during your SASSA application process.
  • Now click on the “Send Pin” button.
  • You will receive an SASSA OTP on your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP code on the screen and click on the “Verify” button.
  • Now click on the reason why you want to reinstate your SRD grant. You need to select from the following reasons:
  • Canceled in error
  • No longer have income
  • Other
  • After selecting the right reason, a pop-up will appear on the screen with the message  “Are you sure you want to reinstate the grant?”. Click on “Yes” to proceed.
  • After clicking on “Yes”, your reinstatement request will be submitted for review.

SASSA Reinstate My Application by Visiting SASSA Office

SASSA Reinstate R350 by visitng SASSA Office

If you find it difficult to reinstate your cancelled grant online or don’t have active internet, then you can visit your nearest SASSA office to reinstate your R350 grant. Take your ID card and other supporting documents with you to reinstate your SRD grant. Ask the SASSA officer to reinstate your R350 grant and after verification, the SASSA officer will submit your application for reinstatement.

SASSA Reinstatement Request Approval Time

It usually takes around 30 to 90 days to approve your reinstatement request. It depends on the workload of SASSA. If the workload is less then your reinstatement request will be approved in one or two weeks. If the workload is high then it can take up to 90 days to approve your request.

SASSA reinstate cancelled application approval time

Once your request is approved, you will receive an SMS on your mobile and you will start receiving payments from the date you submitted the request for reinstatement of your R350 grant. If your request is rejected then you will also receive an SMS with the reasons why your reinstatement request is rejected.

What if My SASSA Reinstate Request is Declined

If your SASSA reinstatement request is rejected then you will receive a notice from SASSA why your request is rejected. If you believe that you were eligible for the R350 grant then you can appeal the decision of SASSA to the Ministry of Social Development at the National Department of Social Development. They will review your application again and decide on it.

Difference between SASSA Reinstate and SASSA Appeal

SASSA appeal and SASSA reinstatement are two different things. In the SASSA appeal; process you will appeal the SASSA decision if SASSA rejects your R350 grant application. However, in SASSA reinstatement you will submit a request to reinstate your SRD grant which you cancelled before due to improved financial circumstances.

Tips for Successful Reinstatement Request

Make sure to follow the following tips for a successful SASSA reinstatement request:

  • Ensure Eligibility: Make sure you were eligible for the R350 grant before applying for SASSA reinstatement.
  • Update Personal Information: Update your personal information in case of any changes on your application before submitting the SASSA reinstatement request.
  • Documentation: Keep your necessary documents ready. SASSA may ask for additional documents for the verification process.

SASSA Reinstate FAQs

It takes up to 90 days for SASSA to decide on your reinstatement request. You will receive an SMS on your mobile once SASSA decides on your SASSA reinstatement request.

You can appeal the decision of SASSA to the Ministry of Social Development at the National Department of Social Development. They will review your grant application and decide on it.

You can reapply for the SASSA R350 grant online or by visiting your nearest SASSA office.

SRD SASSA Reinstate Conclusion

If you face financial difficulties again or lose your job again, then you have the option to reinstate your cancelled SRD grant. SASSA always aims to help its citizens when they need financial help. Follow the simple steps we discussed in this article for SASSA reinstatement requests. Make sure to check your eligibility before applying for R350 grant reinstatement. Your grant will only be approved in case you are eligible for it and pass the SASSA mean test.

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